Monday, July 30, 2012


Zoe started walking last week!  Here she goes... walking and then doing some of her funny moves.


We've been taking Zoe to swim classes this month, she is in the Guppy Class.  I was told tonight by her instructor that she "passed" to Advanced Guppy.  ahhaha... these classes have been a real crack-up for me and Tim.  There is just something so funny about a group of parents circled together bouncing their babies and singing the hokey pokey.  Tim didn't feel like getting in tonight so he took these awesome videos.  Since we're obsessed with the Olympics right now he pointed out that it's a good thing he captured these precious moments just in case Zoe becomes an Olympic swimmer... they will make a great montage in 2030. 

Monday, July 9, 2012


My garden is amazing.  I can't believe I thought it was never going to grow... shows how impatient I am.  Since it's been so hot all the peppers, herbs and tomatoes seem to be doing really well and the zucchini and beets and squash are off the charts.  The cilantro, spinach and lettuce has all bolted, so I guess I have to replant them.  The only thing that has been upsetting is how the birds have eaten all the heads of the broccoli and I think the heat pretty much killed the snap peas.  Also, I set up a drip system which is connected to our sprinkler system so I am feeling pretty happy with myself (I even tried to dig a few mini irrigation ditches) so when Tim asked me what I was doing I could say "irrigating".  hahaha. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Our neighborhood is the cutest. We got an invitation last week for brunch and a 4th of July parade so we walked one block over and everyone was outside.  It turns out we were a little late and just missed the parade, but everyone was still congregating in the street.  And I've been kind of obsessed with these two adorable corgis who I see all the time, and I got to take their picture!  If we ever got another dog I would really want a corgi, I just think they seem to have a great sense of humor.

they are best friends!

I love his bow-tie. And his name is Georgie!

The scene on Birky Street

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Zoe's Baptism

Zoe was baptized last Sunday, and it was very sweet, despite a few tears being shed (mostly by Zoe, just a few by me).  We are really thankful for the love, support and understanding from our families.

Monday, July 2, 2012

catching up

It's been such a whirlwind ever since we got back from California a week ago, but it's been a good and happy whirlwind.  Our trip to Fairfax was awesome, we loved spending time with family and friends and Zoe was on top of her game wooing just about everyone.  It was especially nice to be in the cool coastal weather since it's been unbearably hot here in Fort Collins and our house doesn't get AC!  Seeing Jeff and Cassie get married was just beautiful, their vows and wedding were so touching and inspiring.  And since Tim and I were also celebrating our anniversary it was nice to be reminded of that incredible day. 
Here are a couple of my favorite pics, and if you want to see a whole album click here.