Thursday, August 23, 2012

kid food

One great thing about having a toddler is getting to eat kid food again.  We've remembered how much we love graham crackers and milk, the simplest spaghetti we make about once a week and applesauce.  Our apple tree in the backyard is full of small apples that are a little tart to eat raw.  But a little steaming and... voila!  Delicious homeade applesauce (eating it while still warm is the best)!  Credits to IlaJane VanDyke for helping pick the apples, wash them and sprinkling just the right amount of cinnamon.

Monday, August 20, 2012

iphone pics

Zoe eating sushi for the first time (veggies and tofu)

She loves kissing pictures in her book of names and faces

Hi mom!

Jordan and kids feeding sheep at the farm

Tim's evening workout

cutie pies

Britton, Zoe and Finn at the park... the boys were so sweet!