Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A prayer for a squirrel

Tim's parents gave us some colorful prayer flags with wolves on them, so a couple of weeks ago Tim hung them in the apple tree in backyard.  SOMEHOW the other day, I noticed almost all the flags were missing and there was just a scrap left in the tree.  I went to investigate and this is what I found... a sad lone flag left in our tree ... and half the flags in our neighbor's tree!  Due to the tears and holes in the remaining flag I believe it to be the result of the resident squirrel I see in our tree.  I only wish I had seen that fat squirrel carrying the prayer flags across the fence and into another tree... what an awesome picture that would have been!  That squirrel is going to have one sweet and spiritual nest!  :) 

And since I was in the backyard taking pictures, I thought I'd show you Tim's fence he built around our garden plot.  Isn't it cute?  We had the problem of Tres going into the garden and pooping (not the kind of compost we are hoping for) and so Tim put up this sweet little fence made of twigs.  If Tres were to merely bump into it, I think it would fall over, but Tim is hoping it will be a "mind-block".  hahahahaha... we will see.  We've outsmarted that pooch before!

1 comment:

  1. Hope the prayer flags were put to good use. If you ever find their nest I would love to see the flags .
